“Stormtrooper” Paul Merry Enjoying his Force F21 with his Mercury 250xs

“Stormtrooper” Paul Merry, his family and his team Robert, Casey and Sean Burns.
Enjoying his Force Race F21
Force Boats asked him if he could share some information;
1) How long have you owned your Force Boat for? 2.5 years
2) Did you name your Boat? Yes “Stormtrooper” the family are Star Wars crazy!!
3) The Engine? Mercury 250xs
4) How much fuel can it carry? 140 Litres
5) What do you mainly do with your boat? All round social Skiing and part-time 70 mph racers.
6) Where do you mainly visit in your boat? Lake Eildon, Echuca, Dromana (The Bay)
7) Are you currently Racing in the sport? On and Off about 30 years, started skiing with my cousins when we were about 8-10 years old.
8) What is your favourite feature and options? Ballast tank; great in the rough and towing kids at extra slow speed. I also live our padded side pockets and back seat.
9) What is the best thing about your boat? It’s ability to change between all skiing types… me having a run on my rail, then towing kids on the tube, then teaching my 4 & 6 year old on the kids trainer etc., then ski racing ; ALL ON THE SAME SET-UP
10) Anything else you’d like to share? Just How forgiving they are to drive for the whole family… especially someone as ordinary as me

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